Monday, November 4, 2013

One of the best books of the year nine (despite his age) Nikos Vlanti Oblivion (versions Cedar). Af

At how your blog turned into seasonal process. Christmas, New Year, Easter, carrot juicer summer, only then have the mood to write (more) gathered for good books. So I leave on their post with quite a few books on the beach .... but not books ... beach, remarkable readings carrot juicer of recent months possibly can keep you in good company on summer carrot juicer vacation. I hope that span the literary spectrum but many emerging writers who as usual will be ignored by the mainstream review.
One of the best books of the year nine (despite his age) Nikos Vlanti Oblivion (versions Cedar). After the masterpiece Writtersland, The Island of the authors (of the best books for 2006) Vlad stands on the same footprint and utilizes the undoubted literary ability that distinguishes him to'' 'travels''' the reader to clean his own inspiration worlds . This time there is an island with writers, boxed short stories and a murder at the center but a writer carrot juicer imprisoned carrot juicer in a stone city obligated to write relentlessly to keep'' alive'' ghosts of literary heroes. Vlad creates with impeccable rhythm telling an excellent allegory built around the perpetual game of literary copyright and heroes in an atmosphere of horror. And without resorting to arteriosclerotic dialogue with literary community deposits a book fascinating plot and authorial perspective.
Without the literary references and influences Vlanti but equally atmospheric book of a new author. carrot juicer The only 25 year old Harry Christophoridis rests on influences and traces of a new generation of deposits from Greek letters (despite the abundance transcripts big names the publisher probably achieved the true vein of'' writing'' the young graduates of the Department of Biology) book Raven City (the Greek characters in the title I think of depriving some of the'' magic 'of arbitrarily used for this picture). In the last city on the planet played a thriller that keeps breathless reader. The book could relate a literary Gotham City (city of Batman) has signs of comic logic but something .... Blade Runner, extremely atmospheric with obvious influences from Poe, even if the momentum of the nascent writer carrot juicer leads to some (not however bothersome) narrative'' dips''.
In a different style and in a city that everyone walk and live demotivate j Stavroula Skalidi. Journalist and blogger in novella of betrayal and abandonment (versions POLIS) describes a grim Athens and even more gloomy relationships of the characters. If someone carrot juicer is affected by the title and believe it has something to do with pocketbook, pink literature or something will fall out. The Skalidi submit a book while small in size but full of emotions and images focusing on difficult relationships of modern bourgeois and even more difficult communication in cities.
Had to adopt over twenty books to start debating whether and maintain multilevel presence and activity as a writer, critic and now blogger Helen Gikas. In bookstores her new book'' Wet'' time (versions ANKARA) carrot juicer coming to complement the recently'' If you love me not love me'' and'' Tomorrow remember to kiss.'' The Wet time with very beautiful cover is one of the usual games of the writer in the journey carrot juicer of soul searching and identity. Around the body of a drowned man women of his life trying to balance and find their own paths. Book with a personal touch and style without sounding twists and surprises but like almost all previous books Gikas reading carrot juicer requires attention to all those little or big happening silently and subcutaneously for the'' true'' in our explosions. Extremely interesting that the author lends again to one of the characters of the status of critical carrot juicer books and Boxing in the pages of Liquid Time all the reviews she wrote (the Gikas) in Ethnos newspaper within the previous year culminating game of masks and hidden identities. But what he says and the author herself is a different carrot juicer story''''!
Another'' veteran'' of writing threw new job market. The Aris Maragkopoulos-do for those who have watched him over time-and ... surprise with True Love from the new publisher Site created by executives carrot juicer who left the Greek Letters in 2007 (among them, he o writer). The Maragkopoulos that for decades carrot juicer was devoted to literature'' militant'' submit the book less political career with a splendid aesthetic cover that touches the

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