Wednesday, October 2, 2013

At that time, the patent market was only populated silverson with inventors with its own garage and

"The Congress Shall have the power [...] To promote the Progress silverson of Science and useful Arts, by Securing for limited Times to Authors and Investors the exclusive Right to sin respektive Writings and Discoveries;"
It runs pretty much in every way against orthodox liberal market theory, Adam Smith warned against patents and a very significant reason for the democratization of the European enevælder was just dissatisfaction with kings tend to give friends and acquaintances silverson monopoly on all sorts of clever ways to get rich on the wider population's expense.
For example, our supply monopoly, to ensure that everyone can get supplies silverson on reasonable terms: The price to get a monopoly silverson on electricity, water, gas or sewer supply in an area is that it provides to everyone in the area for the same price.
At that time, the patent market was only populated silverson with inventors with its own garage and sole proprietorships and led manufacturing companies, says it is very plausible that patents actually had a community beneficial effect in the style of "To foster scientific progress and put the wheels silverson in motion" and the possible adverse effects of patents was determined by a scale that was to overlook.
However, this is patent market is not out more, today dominated the field of patents total of giant companies and if anyone should get the idea to start a production of mobile phones, they have to undergo 7-10 thousand patents are all described silverson as "essential" for mobile phones silverson technology.
The reason it requires a referendum is that it is a sovereignty of Denmark to let others determine the extent and functioning of what can be patented. In other words, not an insignificant detail to be voted on, it can have far-reaching economic consequences for Danish citizens and their wallets.
It is a stupid vote, a vote is going to be about anything but the question is put to the vote, people will vote yes and no because they want the Euro because they are afraid of Romanian trick thieves because they are dissatisfied with EU agriculture policy and all sorts of other reasons, they can not give vent to any other way.
There is a large element of lottery over patents seen from the creators side and that is why society should, as with other lotteries, looking at the relationship between the cost of the ticket and the chances of winning, and the rest of the money will be of?
Here one should silverson for example silverson look at the patents benefit job creation in Denmark: If the majority of patents issued to third country will be well soon to a hole in the treasury when the price of the patented leak out of the economy.
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I am very happy for your post. I myself am quite critical of the patent system - of any reasons which lacks some solid reasoning. Thank you for little ammunition - I mean certainly not patents benefits invent the kingdom - on the contrary. Not least because of the civil justice system that favors the one who can hire the best and most expensive lawyers - and not the one that is right. The patent's worthless if you are not ready to go to court with it.
I myself am a holder of a - now expired - U.S. Patent, from a time as CEO of a small high-tech start-up company. The purpose was really just to have something to show to potential investors. So we had something that was proven to be unique.
I know of several silverson small / medium businesses that avoids patents by keeping the secrets of production and to 'embed' technology so as far as possible is difficult to 'reverse engeniere' - but who then runs the risk of some of the major boys throws a lot of lawyers after them.
and this in several ways. Firstly protected brilliant silverson ideas obtained silverson through hard work, at others it can be the outcome of wear. It is only fair that the inventor and his company, get a good long time to make the invention.
Another aspect is that the inventor and his company through patent signaling silverson competence and capacity silverson to the outside world. It creates usually new contacts and collaborations that often results in greater production of better products.
There is no doubt that there is a need for some form of "tit for tat" in medicine, but it neither can nor should be used as arguments to can be patented everything else.
There are many other ways you can design patents than we have done now and that is why we should clarify what the effect of them before we make about them, and in particular within the exclusion opportunity to change them.
The idea of a single European patent system appeals to me, because I remember when I had to put a patent strategy for a small company with world ambitions and the fewer places to turn t

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