There is enormous need for reform of primary school who are experiencing problems with professionalism and student escape from particularly disadvantaged schools. Therefore, the hope for the future, the government has made a primary form of one of its most ambitious projects.
A part of the draft reform has been leaked to the newspaper Politiken, and especially focus on increasing the hours drastically and creating a more cohesive school day. That sounds well and good, although there will be major hurdles on the road: Local economy will be pressured by the demand for more lessons, and teachers must teach a larger proportion of working time, which, incredibly, is expected discount juicer to be a contentious issue in the next collective bargaining .
The reform proposal gives cause for hope - but also for concern. For it is also, according to Politiken that plans for "inclusion" in ordinary classes of "special needs students" must be implemented. And that the only concrete actions discount juicer to help the process is to create a "national resource center for inclusion" that can turn out to schools in need of special help.
Thus, there is unfortunately set for that little defeatist attitude to problem schools and games classes of unrest and lack of discipline continues. If students must immerse themselves academically, are higher number of hours a major step forward, but if the hours are disturbed by misfit students, we are just far.
The weak pupils have additional needs for strong academic competence, and the brightest students have similar needs special offer to learn more. Therefore, the content of the reform as important as context: What subjects strengthened in the extra 510 hours, which suggests discount juicer that primary school pupils to have extra distributed throughout their schooling?
is academy director of ATV. She writes about the major challenges facing society and how technology, science and technical science can assist with solutions and wondering what framework we provide innovation, research, dissemination of knowledge and production business and education discount juicer in Denmark. More posts from this blog People flock to "dull" conference 25 September 2013 Password: MickeyMouse12345 17 September 2013 The great Danish rollercoaster 06 September 2013 what that 3 out of 4 young people go to school 28 August 2013 Student discount juicer teachers fleeing sciences 12 August 2013
That we as teachers have to work with what we are good at is self-evident. But you Lia is so violent in your post doubts that we learn has concerns by working more hours in the classroom is not really what is in play is that we will not be able to prepare ourselves as we can now. To increase production, in this way corresponds to believe that it will work to feed the dog with its own tail. We produce no more "good teaching" by the dog eating its own tail, we get only a disabled dog. That said I am eing that it is important that our primary element, children and young people must be inspired and challenged at full power. Although I am pleased that my equipment as a student in elementary school mm. has given me the curiosity and interest in the art. That we as a family can now hand in a self-built low-energy house on 199m2 with 126 m2 conservatory mm and can heat the house with pasiv ogaktiv solar and biobrænde. Please Søren Christiansen.
A good old learning consists of introduction, discount juicer review, practice and control. discount juicer And in learning is made a lesson plan, a fairly simple procedure.
How it can end up with large groups of students can not write, count or talk after 9 years appears both as a mystery, but såsandelig discount juicer also signs of a managerial collapse unparalleled.
Between The product came in middle school, some of which were sorted from the lælingeuddannnelser after 8 class and the rest went to grammar school after the 9th grade from which the academically oriented arrived at the school if their average was high enough.
The weakest students came after the 5th Class of freedom between where most left school after the seventh class. You could get in middle school where teachers estimated that it could be done by the student went one year on.
The weakest students came after the 5th Class of freedom between where most left school after the seventh class. You could get in middle school where teachers estimated that it could be done by the student went one year on. This sorting is not detrimental to all students
At the time, society live with that it was only a minority who received a formal education. Those who left school after the seventh class was not automatically appointed to be the community last a lifetime.
Today it is virtually discount juicer guaranteed that you will not be net-contributor to society if you do not complete secondary education. Denmark can not just skimming the cream and then assume that the rest are doing.
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