Friday, March 27, 2015

Foreign events

The world's first nation-wide network of electric car charging starts operations Alternative Energy - Alternative sobadoras energy news portal
Foreign events
Reduce the heat in the cities of Hungary, sobadoras 120 electric cars charging station for electric cars should be electric bus application: Two billion swim because of the government's delay to go 450 miles on a single charge of the electric Audi R8 Again Hungarian solar cars compete
The world first began operations in Estonia nationwide fast-charging network for electric cars, which, thanks to ABB, the leading power and automation technology company implemented. Estonia sobadoras is completely covered by the network of the building was carried out by ABB, and the company is responsible for the conduct of related services such as 24-hour supervision and operation of the payment system. The 165 pieces, DC (DC) gyorstöltőből a network connection to the Internet is now officially available to everyone. The Estonian government sobadoras commissioned charging systems are installed each employing more than 5,000 inhabitants, area, and at least 60 km every main road. The government has 507 pieces of Mitsubishi i-MiEV electric car purchased for their own use and for the population to 50% discount on the purchase of electric cars. ABB DC systems are in about fifteen minutes to recharge the batteries sobadoras of electric vehicles, while the same AC power solutions take eight hours to complete, so the network is hugely significant environmental aspects. The investment in the electric mobility management KredEx export credit agency supported the Green Investment Scheme as part of the government's plan to reduce carbon sobadoras dioxide emissions.
"ABB is matter of pride that kiépíthette the world's first nation-wide electric car charging network in Estonia," - said Ulrich Spiesshofer, ABB's Discrete Automation and Motion division sobadoras leader. "It's all across the country charging network will encourage motorists to electric vehicles shifts, and thanks sobadoras to other countries will be motivated in their charging infrastructure building." The Estonian government on behalf of ABB in 2011 started its work and out of the network in just six months. Over the past two years, ABB otherwise similar-sized European investment has also deployed chargers: As part of the project VitaeMobility 50 pieces DC fast charger put in operation in Belgium, and Denmark has set up under the name CLEVER comprehensive student development are 50 pieces DC fast charger.
Hungary ABB installed the first ultra-fast charger in Budapest, Istenhegyi MOL kút environmentally friendly travel. sobadoras Terra 100.2-type charger capable of ranging from 15 to 30 minutes to report an electric car connector CHAdeMO standard sobadoras 80% charge level. The Mogyoródi Hungaroring circuit at the main entrance was also handed over a designed by ABB MVM Partner for filling column.
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