At all times and all over the world and widely used fasting as a medicine, and as a means of spiritual purification. meat cutter Fasted for 40 days in the wilderness Christ. (Originally a post full of hungry meat cutter understood on the water, and later came to mean the post has to abstain from any kind of food) (1). For long periods refused food and many saints.
You can name dozens and hundreds of well-known people, who themselves practiced fasting and treated in this way other. The best minds in the world to come to the same idea. What gives hunger? Is it really need it?
WHAT MAKES starvation. EXEMPTION FROM SLAG Almost meat cutter all digestible proteins, split, form toxic compounds such as uric acid, urea, creatine, creatinine, and others. meat cutter Overeating meat cutter and incomplete "burning" food because of lack of physical activity of these substances produce more than output. They can not continuously circulate in the bloodstream which would lead to rapid poisoning. Toxins bind to and are deposited in the least valuable for organism tissues, primarily in connective and adipose, osseous tissues idle muscle.
And if from time to time not to make a complete cleaning of the whole body, the toxins accumulate, and soon the body is likened to the drain hole. Weakens the overall energy potential human and functional cells of different organs begin to suffocate from poisons. Cells is simply not strong enough to throw out the protoplasm alien substance.
Life one after the other loses paint. Man does not live, but there is burdened with a mass of disease. He did not have time to do, because he feels tired all the time. He sleeps a lot, but sleep does not add strength. He is sick, 365 days a year!
And out of this state is very difficult. It is necessary to skip at least one meal, as an organism, delighted meat cutter to have this opportunity, hurry to get rid of accumulated toxins. Powerful stream they rush into the blood, and humans exhibit all the symptoms of poisoning, aggravated by chronic "sores" meat cutter - headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, etc.
Only through the light output of more than 150 harmful substances. Toxins are also removed in the urine, the feces, sweat, saliva. People starving first 7-8 days, literally stink - so actively frees the body from poisons (1). Sometimes even surprising how many impurities can accumulate in itself, even strong-looking body.
On hunger occurs intensive cleaning of joints, as limbs and spine. Exemption from such salts happens fairly quickly, mild forms of arthritis completely disappear after 8-10 days of fasting.
Tissue renewal remarkable results starvation due not only to the removal of toxins. After all, the body is forced meat cutter to live in part due to its own tissues, and first of all he eats sick, degenerated cells.
Moreover, along with the destruction of diseased cells the body instead produces a new, perfectly healthy. This happens on the famine, but particularly intense new cells grow in the recovery period. Traced, for example, that after 28 days of fasting gastric mucosa is not only fully recovered, but also gets a hefty "safety margin", due to additional functional cells. Stomach becomes, as they say, tinned.
Such an update occurs in other organs and tissues, because some fasting and is a "universal doctor." Disappear adhesions, tumors, ossified areas, cirrhosis and necrosis - all thanks to hunger.
REJUVINATION restoration and renewal of tissues and accompanied by their rejuvenation. Straighten the accumulated error in the genetic apparatus - restored media DNA and RNA, the cells begin to synthesize new "right" proteins.
Dr. Crew at one time held an amazing experience. He took the adult worm planarian length of 22 mm and did not feed her until she fell to 6 mm. In this case, manifested all the signs of a young worm of similar meat cutter size. The worm then given food, and it normally growing to its original condition. Thereafter, a new cycle begins starvation. As a result, the worm lived in 20 (!) Times longer than their counterparts.
The man, of course, meat cutter is more complex than the planarian and completely when the famine is not updated, but still very significant rejuvenation (1). Almost always hungry friends after recovery do not get tired admiringly shrug - so there is a noticeable effect. (Although during fasting, these same friends are often persuaded to abort "self-harm").
PROTECTION from environmental factors, meat cutter together with "native" toxins formed in the body, and are displayed on the famine brought about poisons - from infest our life chemistry, meat cutter from the poisoned meat cutter atmosphere of water and products. But this, however, to be expected.
However, it appears that starvation and reliably protects from Glad
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