Monday, November 3, 2014

Many cases of food poisoning in society today do indicate an error, or you said in the process and

Food is one of the most important basic needs of human life. Processing and preservation of food has interrelation of the nutrition community, it is not surprising that all countries, both developed and developing countries are always trying to provide food supplies are sufficient, safe and nutritious. One of them with a variety of food processing and preservation methods that can provide protection to the food that will be consumed.
Along with the advancement of technology, people continue to make changes in terms of food processing. This is reasonable because of the growing technology of human life is increasingly busy sehinngga not have much time to do the processing of food materials that rely on raw materials which are then processed in the kitchen. In such circumstances, fast food (instant) that have been processed in the plant or has preserved many handy for the community itself. Problem or question electric citrus juicer that arises then is whether the process of preservation, electric citrus juicer preservatives are added or produced food products are safe for human consumption?
Many cases of food poisoning in society today do indicate an error, or you said in the process and preserving food. The fundamental problems of food processing in the community electric citrus juicer were caused by a lack of food pengelohan culture oriented towards nutritional value, as well as lack of knowledge as well as economic electric citrus juicer pressure to issue the fulfillment and processing of foodstuffs is neglected, the food industry as the provider of food products often do anything dishonorable, and only focus profit oriented in providing a variety of products on the market sehinngga electric citrus juicer it opens up opportunities for substance abuse in the processing of food for the community, such as the use of belpagai kasusu food additives that should not qualify dikosumsi,
worst case burst among people recently is the use of formaldehyde and borax several staple food products with bebrbagai pretext to add flavor and food preservation without considering the effect of materials utilize the public health, the things that prompted the need for a variety of regulations / rules of the institution Related order to protect consumers from various issues of food safety and food industry diindonesia. In addition to the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, monitoring and control are carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry and cultural reconstruction It is also important to the reconstruction of cultural change electric citrus juicer habits and to give understanding to the importance of community nutrition of the continuity of life
to determine the effect of food additives on public health.
Food in general is perishable (perishable), because the moisture contained in it as the main cause of damage to the food itself. The higher the moisture content of a food, the more likely the damage either as a result of internal biological activity (metabolism) and the entry of destructive microbes. criteria that can be used to determine whether the food is consumed quickly, accurately perform difficult because it involves electric citrus juicer nonteknik factors, socio-economic, and cultural nation. Ideally, food should be: free of pollution at each stage of production and handling of food, free from chemical changes and physical, non-microbial and parasites that can cause disease or spoilage (Scott, 1993).
Act No. 7 of 1996 states that the quality of food consumed must meet several criteria, among which are safe, nutritious, quality, and can be reached by purchasing power.
Pendiginan is food storage temperatures above the freezing material -2 to +10 0 C. The low temperature preservation of others are freezing. Freezing the food storage in the frozen state at a temperature of 12 to -24 0 C. quick freezing (quick electric citrus juicer freezing) is done at a temperature of -24 to -40 0 C. The cooling can usually preserve food for several days or weeks depending on the kinds of raw food, while freezing can preserve food for months or sometimes years. Another electric citrus juicer difference between the cooling and freezing is in terms of its effects electric citrus juicer on the activity of microorganisms in food. Use a low temperature in the preservation of food can not kill the bacteria, so if for example frozen foodstuffs electric citrus juicer out of storage electric citrus juicer and let rehydrate (thawing), the growth of spoilage bacteria and then walked briskly camp

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