Sunday, November 9, 2014

When evaporate in the air, in the form of a colorless gas with a sharp suffocating odor, thus stimu

Tips for Choosing / Buying Fish Free Formaldehyde | Department of Marine and Fisheries in Aceh
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Hearing the word formaldehyde, may not be familiar to most people, but it can not be denied is said formalin is still not so familiar to our society, especially among the lower middle class society, especially for those who daily time is spent just to find a bite of rice. Not terbesit in their minds for information, reading and develop themselves, the important thing is how to get some money to live their lives.
People who have heard or not heard the word formaldehyde is basically not much different if not yet know the danger of the use of formalin mincers leg in food preservation and how to distinguish a food that uses formalin preservative? What is the effect on the human body if you eat foods that contain formaldehyde? And if there are legal consequences for those who use it? In this paper, the author just wanted to limit the scope of choosing foods that are free of formaldehyde is only special in the form of fish meal ingredients according to the title that the author pointed out above.
Formalin is Formalin mincers leg is a trade name formaldehyde solution in water with high levels of 36-40%. This material is typically used as an antiseptic, germicide, and preservatives. Formalin mincers leg has many chemical name of which is Formol, Methylene aldehyde, Paraforin, Morbicid, Oxomethane, Polyoxymethylene glycols, methanal, Formoform, Superlysoform, Formic aldehide, mincers leg Formalith, Tetraoxymethylene, Methyl oxide, Karsan, Trioxane, Oxymethylene and methylene glycol.
Formaldehyde is contained in formaldehyde is toxic, this is due to the CO group or aldehyde. These groups react with amines found in proteins and produce metenamin or heksametilentetramin
Formaldehyde is soluble in water up to levels mincers leg of 55%, is very effective in alkaline atmosphere, as well as act as a powerful reducing agent, a volatile because didihmya low point is -21 0 C. Naturally formaldehyde can also be found in the smoke of the smoking process food, mixed with phenol, ketone, and resins.
When evaporate in the air, in the form of a colorless gas with a sharp suffocating odor, thus stimulating mincers leg the nose, throat and eyes. Air containing formaldehyde levels of 5 mg / l or more may membahayakn human health.
Formalin in everyday life can be used to kill most bacteria, so it is often used as a disinfectant. As disinfectants, formalin mincers leg used sebagaipembersih floor, ships, warehouses, and clothing (Anonymous, 2006) .In the medical field, formaldehyde is used to dry the skin, such as raised warts. Solution in often used in embalming formaldehyde to kill bacteria as well as to preserve mincers leg the carcass
In the industry, mincers leg formaldehyde is mostly mincers leg used in the production of polymers and miscellaneous chemicals. When combined with phenol, urea, or melamine, formaldehyde produces a hard thermoset resin. These resins are used for permanent mincers leg glue, for example, mincers leg is used for plywood / plywood or carpet. Also in the form of foam as insulation. Production of formaldehyde resins spend more than half of the production of formaldehyde.
In addition, there are several other uses of formaldehyde, including: Preservatives Exterminator corpse flies and other insects pengganngu silk manufacture synthetic materials, dyes, mirrors, glass. Reinforcement layers of gelatin and paper in the world of photography. Materials mincers leg in the form of urea fertilizer. Materials for the manufacture mincers leg of perfume products. Preservatives cosmetics and nail hardeners. Abatement of corrosion in oil wells. in very small concentrations (less than 1%), formaldehyde is used as a preservative in a variety of consumer goods such as home cleaning goods pliers, dishwashing liquid, skin softener, nurse shoes, shampoo, car wax, and carpet mincers leg cleaning.
a. If inhaled short-term harm, then the impact on health, the nose and throat irritation, respiratory problems, burning sensation in the nose and throat as well as coughing. When exposed to the skin, then the impact on health, which cause discoloration of the skin, which becomes red, hardened, numbness, and no burning When exposed to the eyes, then the impact on health,

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