Thursday, May 7, 2015

Perhaps you also zaintresują these materials: Scenario music and movement classes industrial juicer

Kindergarten Education Script classes" Orange Day "
Home News Articles coloring Education and Training Plans for professional development Tips for Parents Publications teacher lesson plans Reading, writing, speech, addition, subtraction, drawing, music Other lesson plans Nature, industrial juicer ecology, seasons, industrial juicer health, learning about the world Scenarios industrial juicer Scenarios Christmas celebrations in kindergarten industrial juicer sessions open to parents Tasks for kindergarten Post material Preschool Teacher Forum A forum for parents
You are here: Home Nature, ecology, seasons, health, learning about the world
- Juicer, fresh oranges, cups, cartons with the image of fruit and vegetables, industrial juicer a sheet of white bristol, paint red, yellow, orange, brushes, paper orange peel from oranges
Princess Alinka eat only sweets. One day he fell ill. The king announced that whoever heal the princess will receive half of the kingdom and of her own. No one could heal Alinki. One day he showed up Witaminek knight who brought medicine. Names were: vitamin A, B, C, D. They were enchanted with the naked eye because they were not noticed. They were hidden. Vitamin A in milk, cheese, butter, carrot; Vitamin B in yeast, ham, tomatoes, potatoes, milk; Vitamin C hid in lemon, raspberry, pepper; Vitamin D in the yolk, liver, sour cream, butter. Knight Witaminek for 7 days gave the princess to eat all those things in which they were vitamins. When she recovered princess never ate sweets themselves.
Questions for children - why do you think Alinka sick princess? industrial juicer - Who helped Alince and how? - Where they were hidden vitamins? - Why do you think the vitamin helped Alince? - What should I eat to be healthy? - Do you know what else has an impact on our health? Is it just a healthy diet?
4.Zapamiętaj - teacher shows four fruits and fix them adequate movement (arbuz- loud patter, lemon - clapping, apple - jumps in place, industrial juicer banana - squat). The children march around the room, the teacher shows the fruit and the kids perform a fixed task.
6. Delicious fruit - talk to your children about the nutritional value of fruit, their content of vitamins. Imitative fun - children stroking a tummy, because the fruits are very good - lick from ear to ear, because the pear is sweet - say, yum, yum, because the fruits are delicious.
8. Implementation of "Orange poster" - plastic work, children impose the paint on the skin of an orange, and then imprint it on card stock. Poster decorate pieces of orange paper and cardboard flowers.
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