EVENTUALLY number one newspaper in Tanzania investigative information, Transparency limeyanasa 403 names of Tanzanians arrested, imprisoned or held in prisons around the world for drug offenses 'dough'.
Some watuhumuiwa arrested on charges of involvement with the drug trade 'dough'. Recently, the government acknowledged the arrest beken of the brain abroad and say some of them on death row after being found guilty. However, the government I went to hold the names of those people. The following is a list of the names and areas of origin in Tanzania. In brackets are their sentences. Ally Abdallah Rashid beken Valley Fredue, Dar (15 years in prison), Zia David Michael, Dar (22), Rashid Zonge, Magomeni, Dar (lives), Salum Messages Pigigi (life), Ramadhan Juma Iddi, Kinondoni, Dar (7), Saleh Happy Hambona, Dar (18), Michael Dalasi Hope, Temeke, Dar (19) and Omar Juma guest (hanging). Others are distractions beken Salum Hassan, beken Dar (hanging), Luke Joseph Mario, Dar (lives), read Frorian beken Anthony, Dar (lives), Salum Mohammed Kitupura, Dar (hanging), Begge Ahmed Hemed, Tanga (15) and Mwanjati James Simon Dar (lives).
... Watuhumuiwa others were arrested for engaging in illegal glad. Others are Mohammed Musa Mohammed, Dar (life), Donald Omalla Nyowino, Dar (15), Yahya Ally Seif, Kinondoni, Dar (lives), Mohammed Chande Chande, Kinondoni, Dar (lives), John James Amandus, Kinondoni, beken Dar ( hanging), beken Bantulaki Isihaka Ally, Tanga (hanging), Zungiza Mohamed beken Ally, Dar (hanging), Rashid Bakari Zonge, Kimara Suka, Dar (lives), Mende Katija Mikidadi, Ilala, Dar (lives), Shame Shame Udai, Dar ( life) and lens Mangala Hamisi, Dar (lives). Farida Sarboko clerks, Zanzibar (hanging), Adam Hariri Mohammed, Magomeni, Dar (18), Said Mfaume Said, he mentioned of where (hanging), Mohammed Bakari Kemi, not mentioned of where (hanging), Mariam Ramadan Mahimbo, he mentioned of where ( hanging), Julieth Jonathan Jaspher, there ikusemwa he came from (executed), beken the successor Matumla Ally, was not written from whence he (hanging), Rajabu beken Salum Mwanyenza, was not written from whence beken he (hanging), Ismail Mohammed Rajab Mapusa, Magomeni Dar (lives) and Hamisi Kombo Ally (hanging) .
... These are other suspects involved. Located arrested who also have written forthcoming are: Sephu Abdulrahman, Alfredy Thomas Singini, Lawrence Mbogoni Oni, Mohammed Ibrahim Hill, Wilfred Casimir Mushi, Shakira Ahmed Mumba, Jackline Benedict, Rajabu Rashidi Share, John Peter Martin, Abdallah Teacher Mbaruk, Rashid Mzee Mrisho, Juma Ismail Nayopa, Tsakiris Costa Achelis and Faith Michael Intensive. Others convicted are Bakari Badi Omari Mneko, Sinza, Dar (17), scholar Thomas Joseph, Dar (17), Abdallah Iddi Ally, Tabata, Dar (17), Kondo Ally Mohammed (20), Mohammed Abubakar Nazzir (24), Abdallah Anwar Abasi (24), Makuti Try Al- Hassan, Kilwa, Lindi (25), Abdallah Iddi Athuman (24), Mnyamani Hamad Ally, Tanga (22), blocks Ally Rajab Rajab, Kariakoo, Dar (17) and Bakari Kibaya Activities , Tanga (8). Others are Mfaume Omar Ng'anzi Msuya, Kariakoo, Dar (21), Steven Robert Onay (9), Omar Juma Mang'enge (8), Steven Simon Kanul, Dar (8), Iddi Haji Fumo, Unguja (9) and Selemani Hamisi, Unguja (8). Also there Athuman Hassan Nash, Magomeni, Dar (8), Selemani Hussein Msimbe (8), Abdallah Farid Talib, Dar (17), Salim Ally Peace, is not mentioned is markedly (22), Calist Wilson Mosha, Arusha (18) and Saleh Abdul Omar, Kigogo, beken Dar (21). Others are Bugingo Sweetbert beken Rwezaura, Kijitonyama, Dar (21), Mohammed Omar Ally, Zanzibar (19), Sayula Rashid Paul, he mentioned from whence he is (16), Koshuma Geofrey Gabriel, Kijitonyama, Dar (30) and Salim Mrisho beken Hussein, Tanga (21 ). The list goes as follows: Provision Provision Hamduni, Kinondoni, Dar (19), Bashir Rajab Kafune, Magomeni, Dar (19), Kharim beken Omar Mohammed, Ilala, Dar (19), Abubakar Abdul Ligalwike, beken Kinondoni, Dar (8). Others who are bound by their years in brackets are love Ernest beken Kessy, Ilala, Dar (9), Anna Kiula, Kijitonyama, Dar (9), Light Shebe Miftah, Mwananyamala, Dar (9), Fatma Rashid, Dar (9) and Naima Abdulhafidh Rashid, Mwananyamala, Dar (9). Mariam are also Madaresa, Arusha and Dar (9), Mohammed beken Omar Ally, Wete, Zanzibar (19), Faidhi Mohammed Abdallah, Kijitonyama, Dar (14), Mohammed Rashid Friday, Mbezi Beach, beken Dar (10), Omari Musa Abdallah, Tanga (10), Zahra Job traditions, Korogwe and Kibaha (25) and Shamsa Gulum Shambe, Magomeni Mwembechai, Dar (16). Others who are arrested are Jeniffer Kessy, Mwananyamala, Dar, Shadia Issa, Mbezi Beach, Dar, Rosemary beken Asakwe Kionaumela, barrels, Dar and Samir Sandra Khalid. List of convicted continues: beken Tatiana Bakari Chambo, Temeke, Dar (11), Ramadhan Slave Song, Kijitonyama, Dar (14), Yusuf Herold John, Magomeni (18), Hassan Holder Sebudu, Tanga (22), Abdallah Halfa Ng'anga , Ilala, Dar (19) and Anthony Nelson beken Dhinner, Kigogo, Dar (14). Others convicted are Awadh Saleh Awadh, Kinondon
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