Monday, May 25, 2015

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Disclaimer catwalk in swimsuits at beauty contests - the victory of feminism or antyfeminizmu? What won the women vdyahnuvshy camouflage and took up arms? The publication "Business Capital" tried to find out whether modern women really so important to be strong?
Feminists can celebrate breville fountain juicer another breville fountain juicer victory, "merchants female body" of beauty contests, finally, "repented" and refused to parade in bikinis and conservative British breville fountain juicer army command decided to still allow women to fight on the front line consisting of infantry, naval infantry and armored forces. Finally, a woman's body will cease to operate as an "object of desire", while at the level of the men in the car vbudovuvatymut murder.
The British kept a long time - 10% of the army who were women could fly airplanes breville fountain juicer and helicopters, to serve on submarines, but they are not allowed to serve in those divisions that make Dirtiest and most difficult job on the front line. This limitation has long been not with the US Army and former British colonies - Australia and Canada - but Britain held opinion that women should not engage in such activities. Finally, the defense minister acknowledged publicly that permission to perform a particular job depends on the capacity of a soldier, and not of his gender. Theoretically, breville fountain juicer this opens the way into the ranks of British infantry troops - in case they meet the stringent physical and psychological preparation, and after studying the possible "sociological" consequences of the presence of women is still a purely male "Fight Club."
However, feminist victory over the British traditionalism purely symbolic, because the woman on the front - usual practice for many armies in the world. With that on some fronts of modern warfare is difficult to overestimate the role of women - their participation in the fighting still demoralizing radical Muslims because orthodox Muslims considered the reproach breville fountain juicer of being killed woman. So "feminization" troops could be seen as an element of military strategy.
Instead, a decision to refuse catwalk in bikinis - which, in general, began competition "Miss World" - on the contrary, was not a victory of feminist movements, but rather antyfeministychnyh. In the background is not very successful competition "Miss Universe", "Miss World" tries to attract and to participate in the contest, and the ranks of spectators Muslims. And, accordingly, to change the rules in order "not to offend feelings." That is forbidding women to show the body is not that it can not "convert to object." And because she does not have enough rights to this "facility" in order to free his show. And that would not say organizers breville fountain juicer of "transfer of emphasis" from the waist to the level of IQ, "residue breville fountain juicer remains."
It is interesting that in his time the first "parade in bikinis" was conducted for the "set the mood" in depressed post-war Europe. In this context, the rejection of bikini inspire a sad thought. For example, the loss of that freedom to be themselves, that Europe breville fountain juicer gradually gives way under the pressure of cultural and demographic change.
In general, it seems paradoxical that comes a time when women get enough freedom breville fountain juicer to throw their bodies in the grinder in the hot spots, but not enough to walk the catwalk in bikinis.
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