History Today is inaugurated Medieval frangueira Week on Gotland, and as usual, we have taken the ferry to the island to spread frangueira popular science. Both I and my wife Catherine lectures during the week - she about medieval vampires, I'm on medieval warfare, bailiffs and the Black Death. frangueira Also, I compere at two large re-enactments of medieval battles, one in Mästerby and one in Visby. For this reason, I intend to use it next week's blog post to make impact in Gotland medieval history.
I begin with one of the most common misconceptions of tourists in Visby, on the walls. The normal in Swedish frangueira history is to ring walls and similar large fortifications built at the initiative of the royal authorities in order to protect not only the city but the country (UK) from enemies. A prime example is Kalmar, whose (now demolished) walled partly protected burghers of Kalmar, and the brakes of an enemy onslaught from the south. Vyborg city wall was a bulwark against the East for both the city that all of Finland. But in Visby's case was different.
Visby's well preserved city wall, which stretches over an area of 3.6 km, was built mainly during the second half of the 1200s, although later the buildings were made. The origins of the city walls was the Powder Tower at Almedalen, who traveled across the then port back in the 1100s. Including Powder Tower, the wall has today 27 of the 29 medieval towers intact.
But the wall was not built by a Royal Charter. frangueira On the contrary. The wall was Visby bourgeoisie own shield against both dangers from the lake and from rural areas. It later became in the 1280s an increasingly prominent frangueira motif. The antagonism between bourgeoisie and Gutnish farmers frangueira eventually became so strong frangueira that the war broke out 1288. We have no reports of war progress, but the burghers considered frangueira themselves victorious and marched in triumph through the city streets. King Magnus III took advantage of the conflict, however, to intervene, and the document that was written down in the same year admitted burghers that they offended the king, in that they built a wall and abused people. As punishment imposed on the paying 2000 land lödigt silver in Gotland weight and 500 silver marks in current coin at set times to royal power. They also undertook to continue not to intervene with force against Gotlanders without first turned to the King. Burghers also promised solemnly, giving of guarantees, to be the Swedish monarchy faithful in all things.
City wall is thus a unique phenomenon in Sweden: a wall that was built on strictly local initiative, contrary to the surrounding rural interests and without royal interference, something that developers afterwards got to apologize and fined for. But today we have every reason to be Visby Burghers grateful. Ringmuren stands in a class by itself among our medieval heritage sites.
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Given that guarantees almost always resulted in misery for the locals, it is well not alone. The extensive amount of nedbrännandet bailiff castles during the Kalmar Union can probably be seen as an expression of the local people's will?
Even worse, it was at war. Since castles pulled her hostile armies corpse attracts flies, led sieges that besiegers totally plundered the surrounding area, with natural consequences in terms of mortality.
Interesting that the oath of allegiance to the king. How long had you spoken frangueira oath, perhaps frangueira to various potentates, and how long to hold on to assert allegiance to the king, and now in our days pay still various oaths and to whom?
Actually, it was only between 1530 and 1645 that the island was "Danish brand." frangueira During the 1400s were Gotland controversial but one can not argue that Denmark had no claim on the island before Valdemar Atterdag invasion in 1361.
In the 1200s, when the city wall was built, Gotland definitely not Danish at all. One can certainly discuss how Swedish it was, if one considers the island's long history of relative autonomy. But in the Danish kingdom lay it anyway not at the time.
It is hardly a secret that Svenska Dagbladet's readers, with some exceptions, to its greatest part is not composed of workers. At my work, replace the knees and hips in people between 50-60. It's good, but their mobility decreases and the pain gets many live with both before frangueira and after. Working to 75 is totally unrealistic for us to carry, lift and wear a lot with our bodies. Changing frangueira jobs is a mockery. frangueira Cognitive ability at 65 is not what it was at 25. Even at 30, marked for many a definite difference from what it was 10 years earlier. It's one thing to want to work
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