Saturday, December 14, 2013

Legend Big Dump 192 142-120-132 R = 38 Type rocker Legend Pro Rider 115 166, 175, 184 137-115-127 R

Legend Big Dump 192 142-120-132 R = 38 Type rocker Legend Pro Rider 115 166, 175, 184 137-115-127 R = 32 Type rocker Legend Pro Rider 105 166, 175, 184, 192 R 132-105-122 = 24 Type A. rocker Ducroz Pro Model 184, 192 132-105-122 R = 27 Type rocker Legend 94 165, 172, 178, 184, 189 132-94-118 R = 18 Type rocker gastromis
6th Sense HUGE 175, 185 140-115-130 R = 33 Type & Tail rocker 6th Sense slicer 161, 169, 175, 181, 187 132-98-120 R = 23 Type & Tail rocker 6th Sense Distorter 167, 173, 179, 185 120 - 87-110 A = 20-24 Type & Tail rocker 6th Sense Superpipe 155, 165, 175, 182 112-78-102 R = 20 6th Sense Serial 138, 148, 158, 168, 178 110-90-103 R = 15 Elan
R = 19
Missconduct 149, 159, 169 118-85-109 R = 15 All-training ground somewhere else rocker MissBehaved 149, 159, 169 133-102-127 R = 14 All-training ground somewhere else rocker MissDirected 159, 169 146-117-134 R = 17 Powder- all-och training ground somewhere else rocker Press 149, 159, 169, 179 113-85-104 R = 23 Jib rocker Sight 149, 159, 169, 179 118-85-109 R = 20 All-training ground somewhere else rocker Domain 159, 169, 179 115 -90-15 N = 21 Jib Rocker Recoil 159, 164, 169, 174, 179 121-90-115 R = 20 All-rocker training ground somewhere else
Bright 153, 160, 167, 174 132-90-115 R = 16 All-training ground somewhere else rocker Coomback 167, 174, 181, 188 135-102-121 R = 22 All-training ground somewhere else rocker Sideshow 167, 174, 181, 188 132 - 90-115 R = 20 All-training ground somewhere else rocker Hardside 167, 174, 181, 188 131.98-119 R = 23 All-training ground somewhere else rocker Sidestash 167, 174, 181, 188 139-108-127 R = 25 All-rocker training ground somewhere else
Mastermind Afterbang Step Up SirFrancisBacon Prophet 98 105 Influenced Influenced Majesty 115
Nordica Radict 185 157-127-146 R = 18 R = 18 Boss Soul Rider 177 134-97-124 185 143-113-132 R = 18 Dead Money Ace of Spade Ace Double Six och Velvet Hell & Back i-core och Unleash Hell i-core Storm Skis
Twisted Sista 187 154-131-125 R = 17.6 Type & Tail rocker Strikers 183, 191 143-111-131 R = 21 & Tail rocker Stormforce Richochette Type 175, Type 185 143-111-131 24,5 rocker Superforce TI 172, 182, 192 140-104-128 R = 23 Zaxxon 172, 182, 192 140-104-128 R = 23 Temptress 172 182 140-104-128 R = 21 Blast och Stormforce Richochette Twisted Sista Rossignol
Super 7 188, 195 145-117-127 R = 22.5 S7 168, 178, 188 145-115-123 R = 18 S3 159, 168, 177, 186 128-98-118 R = 19 Sickle 174, 186 140-110 -133 R = 21.3 Scimtar 171, 178, 185 126-96-119 R = 02.8
Scratch 160, 167, 174, 181 116-84-109 R = 21.4 Storm 160, 170, 180 122, 92, 115 R = 20 Sprayer 138, 148, 158, 168, 178 110-80-103 R = 20 Experience 98 Open 172, 180, 188 139-98-128 gastromis R = 19.9
Roman S7 168, 178 140-110-118 R = 14.8 S3 Roman 159, 168 124-96-114 R = 17.5 S2 Roman 140, 150, 160, 170 120-90-113 R = 16.4 temptation temptation temptation 82 74 74 Light Attraxion 8 Echo TPX Attraxion 6 Echo WTPI Attraxion 3 Echi WTPI2 Attraxion 3 3S WTPI2 Attraxion 1 WTPI2 Attraxion LTD S7 Pro 140.150, 160 120-90-113 R = 14.6 sailing & Prior
Kuro 175, 185.195 164-132-193 R = 30.4 Full rocker gastromis high Shiro 173, 183.193 151-119-135 R = 30.1 Full rocker high Gotama 179, 178, 186, 194 139-107-123 R = 30 , 0 Full rocker medium Bridge 163, 171, 179, 187 128-95-115 R = 22.9 Full rocker medium katana 177, 184, 191, 198 143-112-132 R = 30,7 Full rocker low Mantras 163, 170, 177, 184, 191 132-98-118 R = 28.2 rocker Kendo Type 163, 170, 177, 184, 191 127-88-109 R = 26.2 Full camber
Aura 156, 163, 170 131-96-114 R = Tip rocker Kenja 149, 156, 163, 170 129-86-105 R = 19.6 Full camber Wall 161, 169, 177, 185 115-87-115 R = 22.3 Full camber ledge 148, 155, 162, 169, 176 111-84-111 R = 20.9 Type & Tail rocker Shiro Jr. 143, 153, 163 132-100-116 R = 20, 3 Full rocker Alley 148, 158 , 168, 178 111-81-104 R = 21.8 Full camber Gotama Jr. 118, 128, 138, 148, 158 113-80-105 R = 16.5 Full rocker The Code Racetiger gastromis Speedwall GS Racetiger gastromis Speedwall SL RTM 84 LAS Aven
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