Friday, February 14, 2014

Fermenting vegetables is easy. All you need is a big strong glass jar with a lid, vegetables and un

Vegetables and root crops acidification is ever so easy. Only you need a good high lasipurnukan and deck, vegetables, and unrefined sea salt and water. mechanical mixture A sharp knife and patience to wait until the starters hapattuvat are also required. Leaven want to practice in the summer when the growing mechanical mixture season is at its best, but also in winter when the domestic root vegetables is very accessible. Fermented foods provide a good addition to a healthy diet when pikkuflunssatkin is easy to avoid. Intestinal microflora also has an impact on mood so if you're in the doldrums try acidification, fermentation in the preparation works as a meditative exercise hitaine our expectations. Wash the vegetables well with a brush, and rinse them clean. Luomujuureksiin can leave kuoretkin when you wash well. Cut all the slices or pieces, the picture I have radishes, radish, purple cauliflower, mechanical mixture different colored bush beans and Chinese cabbage.
Fermenting vegetables is easy. All you need is a big strong glass jar with a lid, vegetables and unrefined sea salt. Sharp knife and some patience to wait while the fermenter vegetables are useful too. It is good to fermenter during summer while so many vegetables are in season, but it's also good to fermenter during winter when the extra nourishment is needed. Ferments give you delicious way to boost you immunity. mechanical mixture The mikrobes in your gut Also affect your mood so if you are feeling down fermenting is a good idea, preparing the ingredients and patiently waiting them to fermenter is quite meditative. Wash all the vegetables mechanical mixture well with a brush and rinse them clean. Organic vegetables can be used with Their peels. Cut in pieces or slices. In the picture I have radishes, daikon, purple cauliflower, different colors mechanical mixture of haricit beans, mechanical mixture chinese cabbage.
Once you have cut all arrange the slices in a deep dish and sprinkle of unrefined sea salt, you can run fast greens perunamuusinuijalla or one of our similar to the structure of the sulfur so that the salt can not influence. The salt draws liquid out of the vegetables, so you can jättääne a moment to enjoy the peace and even a cup of tea while the sterilizer lasipurnukkasi by boiling it after washing. When the liquid has accumulated, you can transfer the vegetables nesteineen clean glass jars. Be sure to leave room for the jar so you do not fill it up until the vegetables become swollen hapattuessaan. If the liquids do not cover the vegetables add boiled and cooled water so that the vegetables are covered. If you use the cabbage with the place one large leaf on top so that the others will remain below the surface, otherwise put the heaviest items at the top of the vegetables, they keep the other submerged in the liquid. It is important that all the fluid stays covered when hapatteeseesi mechanical mixture does not develop mold. If you have a lot of light greens or cabbage just use the weight mechanical mixture of even a small water-filled glass jar. Now you are ready to wait, put the lid on tightly and saucer mechanical mixture under the jar to collect any liquid overflowing and move the jar in a warm cabinet hapattumaan. Prepare to come for a week to get to if the temperature is high enough, but what follows the privacy of hapatteesi shows bubbling is a sign that the acidification is running, waiting for several weeks makes hapatteestasi strong taste and multiply the amount of probiotics. When hapatteesi is ready to put it in the fridge and let it cool down for a moment and stop is acidification before you eat it.
When you have cut everything place the slices in a bowl and sprinkle with unrefined sea salt. You can squish the vegetables gently with wooden spatula or some other you have on hand to broke the structure a bit So that the salt can draw liquid from the vegetables. Now you have to wait for the salt to draw enough liquid andwhile you wait you can Sterilise your jar by boiling it and have some tea while you wait. When there seems to be enough liquid and your jar is Sterilised fill it with the vegetables and Their liquid. If there is not enough to cover them use boiled and cooled water to fill the jar. Remember to leave room so in the jar as the vegetables will expand when they fermenter. Make sure your vegetables wont float to the top of the liquid, weight them down by placing the Heaviest is the top or with a big cabbage leaf or use a small glass jar filled with water as a weigth. It is important to keep everything submerged so there wont be mold growing in your fermenter. Now put the lid on to your jar, and place it on a plate to catch any excess liquid That might leak and place it in a secured cabinet from light. Now all you have to do is wait. It can be ready in a week if it is warm enough, but you might have to wait longer and check it once in a while. Bubbling is a sign That it is fermenting and the longer mechanical mixture you wait the stronger the taste of probiotics and the more there will be. After it is ready put it in a refrigerator, wait a little That it has cooled and stopped the fermenting process

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