Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I am a man of science, I try to define the quantities, but I crash into a wall of adjustments and t

I'll eat my aunt Maruja, delicious beef stew. As you have to keep the culinary heritage of the family, I ask the recipe. I take pen and paper and she begins to recount the process, but the recipe is diluted between dashes, pinches, handfuls, sips, taps, etc.., All of which own measures chef why we use the metric system, so cold and impersonal?
I am a man of science, I try to define the quantities, but I crash into a wall of adjustments and tweaks such as, "If you see that little oil, as you take a little köksbörsen more" or "tomatoes? For four majos tomatoes or three large but not great "... I'm going crazy.
Finally the only rule that can establish is that, the more good food is a more dashes, pinches, sips, etc.. contain, so I'll have to eat many mediocre stews measures to delimit the recipe.
To help abstract minds have OCD cutting köksbörsen board (*) Chef that will allow us to cut the food we use in our recipes to the same extent, but without this mechanical "air" that give the machines to cut, giving a professional touch to the presentation of our dishes.
zetatron: - And how you have to throw? - As a puñaillo. - And how is a puñaillo? - As a puñaillo fucking a puñaillo. - But one of your puñaillo puñaillo or mine? (Dedicated to all the mothers of small children's hands with large hands)
Hehe, I laughed with the description köksbörsen of the situation. But slaves applied know what the exact extent to which they should cut or add each of the ingredients cooked for his master is satisfied, so that in this holy house these gadgets are not necessary ... But ... now that I think would be great torment the slave when no cut bacon strips exactly 7.2 x 36.8 mm [Homer Mode = on] Mmmmm ... torment slave ... Uaurglglgl ... [Mode = homer off] @ Danath: No known that process, not law, but is very good.
This has reminded me monologuista Dani Rovira and family system measures: This is: 4 = 1 mijilla 6.5 Pelines mijillas = 1 piece bedroom and half sick piece = 1 6.5 = 1 Pecha fed obtain labor = 6.15 1 egg
Well ... if, so more or less the minds of chefs work: p Also, Walker, if you learn to do that stew ... practice! That is the only way to get it, and so too will check that the conventional metric system is not as practical as the other I used your aunt!
Walker, all rookies in matters culinary freak with the measures, then when you take a few years old and making stews, soups, stews, ragouts, etc, the tip of salt, pinch of pepper, a little parsley, my favorite: "A it is-it is "... the you adopt as their own, understand them and are shocked köksbörsen that there are people who do not. So, as I have said up there, practice your aunt stews with a pinch of patience and a dash of faith. : D
There is a simple köksbörsen reason that there is no standardized system of units in the kitchen. The ingredients are mostly products of a highly complex due to their organic status. It is difficult for the cook to read a recipe will use the same ingredients used by the creator of the recipe. Even the water we use for cooking is the same everywhere, change mineral ions, alkalinity ... That's something that also happens to plants and animals we cook. If you include the exact amounts used in the original recipe can not you stay just as thick, tender or juicy. So many ingredients indicative amounts given, basically because it is impossible to reproduce accurately. This is the moment when your experience comes into play as a cook and your palate. The kitchen is a 25% chemical and 75% craft. There is only one way to cook well, practice, practice, practice and when you get it and keep practicing something right for you to leave exquisite.
Oh what a good inventooooo! How to move the times. That even when we were all home giving bite to the vegetables in the pot and spitting. Oh if I had known anteeeeees. ;-) Good thing there are people who innovates and prevents us through hardship, famine and the most varied vicissitudes. What next? A superfast oven cooking through magical invisible waves ...?
I'm köksbörsen a cook (6 years studying kitchen to work in an office of renewable energy, this crisis ...) and passionate about the history and anthropology. In my three interests often coincided and can ensure the following: The traditional cuisine knows no measures. Anyone who has read at Sent Sovi, the llibre the Coch o Re Coquinaria, will have noticed köksbörsen the lack of measurement units. And the knowledge is assumed

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