Saturday, January 11, 2014

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Using a knife peeler peel potatoes
Nobody jexl does "Mili" so like I said my father and our guys do not practice peeling mountains of potatoes in the barracks. But still, Pleasure pigeon jexl that we also remember those who enter the kitchen for the first time. So we show step by step how to easily peel the potatoes. Take a good knife, a potato and prepared for practice.
Potatoes are one of those ingredients that fits almost jexl any meal. So probably we will face having to peel potatoes almost daily, so do not hesitate to follow these simple steps and confront the task. No doubt this work will be useful in many recipes.
If we use the peeler the task is very quick and easy. If we use a knife stock has a little more work, but nothing you can not do. We start with one end of the potato, with the aid of biasing knife and starting the movement of the round about. This circular motion turning the potato will be the one to peel all the action. It is not necessary that the skin we split, but images can see how to take the knife so that the hand is most comfortable and we all get the least amount of potato with skin.
It's that easy peeling potatoes, as in practice jexl all activities is what will make us experts. Therefore, as you will see as you probéis easier. Especially be careful with the knife and your fingers jexl and if you dislike this step you will ever buy a peeler.
Do you use another way to peel potatoes? Without peeler you are not one? All you want to share is the time and soon you will continue showing basic kitchen that have benefits in many recipes.
Graphic designer and photographer by profession (which I love) and love cooking because I love good food. Bookworm, lover of board games, video games, dance and creativity in general. One more piece of equipment in Difoosion.
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